
10 days

It's been ten days since the earthquake.

Today it's equinox and it is national holiday. It's Japanese custom to go to family cemetery to say hello to those who are there. Usually I either follow the national custom or go to mountain house to enjoy the end of snow season with my dogs.

This year I'm staying at home. My dogs are fine, my house is OK, my office is OK, my family is OK, but so many so much bad news.

The number of tsunami casualties are increasing everyday and this Nuclear plants problem is devastating and outrageous. People are horrified.

Twitter was a very good media for us to get the information soon after the earthquake happened. Twitter is now the place to get the information and not the place to exchange casual silly comments with friends. Many friends are rather quiet for this last few days. How I hope they come back to say "want to eat donuts" or "a dog did some silly thing".

For the last several days I have been trying to write to tell my gratitude to those friends who wrote me since this earthquake happened.

But I couldn't. Because whenever I tried to write I could not help crying.

It is soooo encouraging to know that there are many friends all over the world who are thinking of us in Japan. Some of them I know in person and many I never met. That's made me cry. Thank you all.

There was a good news yesterday. 80 years old lady and her grandson were rescued after nine days trapped under the wrecked house.  They were in the kitchen of the house which was swept away by the tsunami but the house was not wrecked to pieces but gave them some space. This space and the fridge helped them to  survive. The boy looked after his grandmother.

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