

About two months ago I started to choreograph Dono's new routine.

How do fellow freestylers choreograph I wonder.

I usually start with some set pattern sequences which I've had in my mind when deciding the music. Well that should be the structure of the routine. Then I will be putting this here and putting that there so that the routine become comfortable and enjoyable for both us and the audience.  It's just like the work I do for living, Architectural design.

Now the new routine, I simply could not decide what to do at the point from where it would get into the ending. This is actually the part of the structure and I cannot go anywhere without this part missing.

I had been fiddling around with doing bits and pieces with Dono. So far nothing worked OK, either Dono was not ready for that or I did not like it.

That put me off from the-early-getting-up-and-do-the-training-before-the-work.

This morning finally one idea has come to me.


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